Advisory Board Minutes

Association Secretary Stephanie Torres

The Arts and Crafts Association Advisory Board, like all clubs and organizations which meet monthly, has a secretary who takes the minutes of the meeting.  At the next monthly meeting, the minutes are reviewed and approved or disapproved, and corrrections are made.

Once the minutes are approved, they are released for publication on the website.

VACA Advisory Board Meeting - Minutes

Thursday, March 28, 2024, 4 PM - 5 PM, Art Room


President:  Mandy Book – Called meeting to order at 4:00pm.

Board Members Roll call:

Mandy Book – President                                                             Present  X           Absent

Claudia Welch – Vice President                                                   Present  X        Absent

Kathryn Warren – Treasurer                                                               Present  X         Absent

Stephanie Torres – Secretary                                                              Present   X     Absent

Diane Finley – Ceramics Room                          Present   X       Absent

Barbara Gottesman – Art Class Coordinator/and Web Master           Present   X        Absent

Michael Sunzeri – Programs/Exhibits                                                  Present   X      Absent

Colleen Mirassou – New Members Greeter                                        Present  X         Absent            

Parthenia Hicks – Historian                                                         Present  X          Absent

Marion Rose – Art Films                                                               Present  X          Absent

1.          REPORTING:

Secretary:  Stephanie Torres - Approval of March 28 , 2024  minutes.  

Approval motion made by Stephanie; seconded by Parthenia Approval  vote – Ayes __X__      Nays _____  Report approved ____X____Not approved ______   with names of new members added to minutes.

Treasurer:  Kathy Warren - For the month ending March 28 , 2024,  Total income was $160  Expenses were $1650.56, net income (loss) was $ (1,490.56).

March Financial Report:  Total fund balance 3/28/2024 $14,423.52 Total income YTD 2024 is   $_2,720______   Total expenses YTD  2024 are $___2,283.70_____.   Ending fund balance on 3/28/2024 is $___14,859.82____ending checkbook balance on 3/28/2024 is $___15,394.82_______

Approval motion made by Barbara; seconded by Claudia Approval  vote – Ayes ___X___      Nays _____  Report approved ___XNot approved ______

Vice President, Membership:  Claudia Welch

Membership is : 274 on March 28, 2024. New members for March are:   Linda Libel, Jon Stuart, Gaylyn Stuart, Nancy Dawn, Geneva Sandijide, Katherine O'Toole, Marie Colaizzi, Ken Colaizzi, Lee Ann Norkoski,

Lynn Helton.

2.          OLD BUSINESS

2a.        Double member households are charged dues for one household

2b.        New residents orientation Mar 13 (Stephanie, Colleen, and Michael) - 15 new residents attended

May 15 - Mandy and Colleen.


3.          NEW BUSINESS

3a.        At what point in the year do we stop refunding dues when a member withdraws from the club?Per Barbara by end of January if requested.

3b.        Update on Free Art Night

     Barbara Orlando possible for April 2 or another date?

          No communication from current volunteers

          MS reach out to Barbara?

     Diane F scheduled for April 30

     Mandy B will do one night during summer

     Possible every Tues 2-5pm as room is now available?       

3c.     2024 Club and Committee Expo at Cribari Center, May 4th, 10-1 PM. Volunteers?

3d.     Art fair or sidewalk sale outside the gate in strip mall? Possible shared event with Craft Club and Woodworking group?  Issues: Insurance, contact person, volunteer needs, cost, advertising, additional setup, ?  

3e.     Regular volunteers such as Open Ceramic time, Open Studio time -  Mandy will be available on Fruiday afternoon.  Can we provide perks:?   Stephanie will ask  Arts Club if they want to use room for any of their meetings or events.

3f.     Outreach: Art on Wheels? Art to the people?  Tabled till next meeting


4a.        Art Films: Marion Rose, next film Tuesday, April 9, 2 pm.  “Vermeer:  Beyond Time”

4b.        Ceramics:  Diane Finley: Eight week class ending on March 27th. Working with Deborah Strauss and Kathy Tanaka on the next beginners class

4c.        Art Classes Coordinator:  Barbara Gottesman, All classes register with Barbara:

Classes In Progress in the Art  Room

Open Studios Mondays and Fridays with Jane Hink and Taf Tafarrodi, beginning at 10 am. Members only.

Report on completed classes:  Ciel's January Drawint: 17 students; Doug's Watercolor plus Mixed Media, 10; Claudia and Barb's Writing Seminar (Limited to 8):  8; Mandy's card making: 10; Ciel's Beginning Watercolor, 10; Nicole Paint Party, 5; Leanne's Poetry 1.

New Classes Scheduled.  Register at

March 5 - 26:  " Dreaming into Writing"  with Parethenia Hicks. Tuesdays, 10:30 am - 1 pm.   $75.

March 6- 27:  "Intermeidate Drawing"  with Ciel Duke.  Wednesdays 10:30 am - 1:00 pm.  $120.

March 7 - April 4:  "Watercolor Plus Mixed Media"  with Dough Canepa.  Thursdays, 10 am - 12 noon.  $70.

April 3 - April 24:  "Intermediate Watercolor"  with Ciel Duke.  Wednesdays, 10:30 m - 12:30 pm. $120.

May 1 - May 29:  "Watercolor plus Mixed Media"  wtih Doug Caneps.  Wednesdays, 10 am - 12 noon.  $70.

July 23 and 30 and August 6 and 13: "Abstract Art"  with Wendy Fitzgerald. Tuesdays, 10:30 ma - 12:30 pm. $45.

4d.  Exhibits Coordinatore Michael Sunzeri.  Next Exibit hangin is Tuessay, April 8. 1 2 pm.  Artist is Taf Tafarrodi.

4 e.  Historian Parthenia Hicks will volunteer to teach "Dreaming into Writing" for 4 weeks in March and later "Making Jewelry." Barbara invited her to set dates and get on the calendar.

4f.  Programs:  Michael Sunzeri.  Our next guest artist will be Cherl Peterson demonstrating Mosaics.

4g.  New Members Greeter:  Colleen Mirassou.

4h.        Events:   Art in the Park   Diane Finley:  Artists Participating - 30.  Need three artists to demonstrate on April 20th for one hour, Diane will request volunteers at the general meeting. We'll set up an easel. Publicity has started in The Villager and Fast Lane.

5.          Issues/Problems to Discuss:   Please respond with any input here.

6.          Next General Meeting and Demo is:  Monday April 1, 2024, 1:45-2:45 pm in Cribari Conference Room.

7.          Next Advisory Board Meeting:  Thursday,  April 25, 2024 at 4 pm in the Art Room.

Meeting of March 28, 2024 Adjourned at  5:09pm by President Mandy Book

VACA Advisory Board Meeting - MINUTES

Thursday, May 30, 2024, 4 PM - 5 PM, Art Room


President:  Mandy Book – Called meeting to order at

Board Members Roll call:

Mandy Book – President                                                             Present X            Absent

Claudia Welch – Vice President                                                   Present X           Absent

Kathryn Warren – Treasurer                                                                Present  X        Absent  

Stephanie Torres – Secretary                                                              Present X         Absent

Diane Finley – Ceramics Room                                      Present           Absent

Barbara Gottesman – Art Class Coordinator/and Web Master        Present X         Absent

Michael Sunzeri – Programs/Exhibits                                                  Present X           Absent

        Colleen Mirassou – New Members Greeter                                        Present X           Absent        

Parthenia Hicks – Historian                                                         Present           Absent

Marion Rose – Art Films                                                               Present X        Absent


1.          REPORTING:

Secretary:  Stephanie Torres - Approval Barbara seconded by Claudia

 Approval  vote – Ayes 8      Nays _____  Report approved ___X_____Not approved ______ 

Treasurer:  Kathy Warren  

For the month ending May 30, 2024: Total income was bash,  Expenses were  Net income (loss) was   + a one time insurance payment of91.00

May Financial Report:  

Total fund balance 1/1/2024 4,423.52 

Total income YTD 2024 is  ,098.56____ 

Total expenses YTD 2024 are ,181.80_____

Ending fund balance on 5/30/2024 is ,340.27__

Ending checkbook balance on 5/30/2024 is ,540.27

Difference artist had not cashed check

Approval motion made by Claudia; seconded by Colleen

Approval  vote – Ayes 8   Nays _____  Report approved ___X_____Not approved ______  

Vice President, Membership:  Claudia Welch – Membership update _______ new members for May.

Membership is: 272  on  May 30, 2024. New members are:  ____________________________________________________________________________________


2.          OLD BUSINESS

2a.        Make and Take April 30, May 28 - how did they go?    Michael reported for Diane stated it was a good event.  About ⅔ were non members. 

     June 25 - Mandy - votive candle making. Volunteers √ (Stephanie, Rod Tieman) 

     July - possible folded fabric brooch (Quilter’s Group)

2b.        New residents orientation May 15 - Mandy and Colleen - report. We will continue to staff as our presence is noted.

Next :July 17 Mandy and Barbara.

Remaining dates for the year: Sept. 11, Nov. 6

Orientation box: new member info, pens, small display stands. sign in sheet, some candy, a couple small pieces of art, pottery. REMINDER TO SIGN UP FOR THIS 

2c.     Crafty Flea Market, Friday, June 14, 9-noon. Tables available: 10 paid/15. Budget approved via email. Rooms to be used are Art Room, Sequoia Room and Patio Room.  There will be a donations table for those donating items. 

2d.     Volunteers needed? (request at June meeting)

Barbara asking Flower Arranging, StitchVolunteers for Flea Market needed

Still looking for a Volunteer Coordinator

2e.     VMA/VACA shared project Sept 18 with Diane Rubin - Mandy updating

3.          NEW BUSINESS

3a.        Betty Loomis - Cat Club Collaboration

3b.        Shared event with another group has been tabled until a volunteer is found

Possible: Craft Club and Woodworking group, East Valley Artists, Tri-club exhibit and sale with EVA and Golden Hills, Garden Club or the Flower Arranging group to sell their flower arrangements

3c.     Information update from Diane regarding status of Silver Creek craft sales


4a.        Art Films: Marion Rose

     Tuesday, May 14, 2 pm,  Dale Chihuly

     Next date: 

4b.        Ceramics:  Diane Finley requests an annual budget of 000.00 for the Ceramics Room.

Approval motion made by _________; seconded by _______________ 

Approval  vote – Ayes ______      Nays _____  Approved ________Not approved ______

4c.      Art Classes Coordinator:  Barbara Gottesman, All classes register with Barbara:


Classes In Progress in the Art Room

Open studios Mondays and Fridays with Jane Hink and Taf Tafarrodi,  10 am - 12 noon.  Members only.

Open Studios: Mondays with Michael Sunzeri and Stephanie Torres, Wednesdays with Doug Canepa, Thursdays Reine Fedor,  2 pm - 5 pm.  All Villagers welcome.

Grand Finale Open Studio for Doug’s Watercolor Plus Mixed Media Students, Wednesday, June 5, 10 am - 12 noon.  Free!


Report on Completed Classes:  Ciel’s March Intermediate Watercolor, 8 students; Doug’s May Watercolor plus Mixed Media, 8; Terri Ford’s Pastels, 10.


New Classes Scheduled:  Register at


June 4, 6, 11, 13:   Printing without a Press with Pat Remington. 2 Tuesdays and 2 Thursdays.

1 – 3:30 pm in the Art Room.  0 for all 4 classes.


July 23 and 30 AND August 6 and 13::  “Abstract Art and Collage” with Wendy Fitzgerald.  Tuesdays, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm..  5.


4d.        Historian:  Parthenia Hicks. 

4e.        Exhibits Coordinator: Michael Sunzeri.  Next exhibit is July 16 with Barbara Gottesman, reception July 20.  Claudia, Colleen, Stephanie volunteering √, need more volunteers?

4f.         Programs:  Michael Sunzeri - Our next artists will be: 

June 3: Hadi Aghee - Acrylics Political/Social events, 

October 7: Zoe Caron - Biological Science illustrations Pen and ink, zoecaron_art on Instagram

November 4: Angelo Lopez - Drawing Political Cartoonist,

4g.        New Members Greeter:  Colleen Mirassou


4h.        Events:   Home Studio Art Tour

5.          Issues/Problems/Ideas to Discuss:  Please respond with any input here. 


6.          Next General Meeting and Demo is:  Monday June 3, 2024, 1:45-3:00 pm in Cribari Conference Room.


7.          Next Advisory Board Meeting:  Thursday,  June 27, 2024 at 4 pm in the Art Room. 

     **Need a sub to run meeting

 Meeting of May 30, 2024 Adjourned at _______ by President Mandy Book