Advisory Board Minutes
Association Secretary Stephanie Torres
The Arts and Crafts Association Advisory Board, like all clubs and organizations which meet monthly, has a secretary who takes the minutes of the meeting. At the next monthly meeting, the minutes are reviewed and approved or disapproved, and corrrections are made.
Once the minutes are approved, they are released for publication on the website.

VACA Advisory Board Meeting - MINUTES Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024, 4 PM - 5 PM, Art Room
President: Mandy Book – Called meeting to order at:
Board Members Roll call:
Mandy Book – President XPresent Absent
Claudia Welch – Vice President XPresent Absent
Suzanne Ferris – Treasurer XPresent Absent
Stephanie Torres – Secretary XPresent Absent
Diane Finley – Ceramics Room Present Absent
Barbara Gottesman – Art Class Coordinator/and Web Master XPresent Absent
Michael Sunzeri – Programs/Exhibits XPresent Absent
Colleen Mirassou – New Members Greeter XPresent Absent
Parthenia Hicks – Historian XPresent Absent
Marion Rose – Art Films XPresent Absent
Secretary: Stephanie Torres - Approval of Oct. 1, 2024 minutes
(link ).
Approval motion made by Barbara ; seconded by Claudia
Approval vote – Ayes ____9__ Nays __0_ Report approved _____X___Not approved ______
Treasurer: Suzanne Ferris - Welcome!
(Suzanne: I don't yet have this info but can submit it to the board at a later date.) there is no report but will have one next week.
For the month Sep. 26 to Dec. 5, 2024: Total income was $__, Expenses were $__ Net income (loss) was $__
October 2024 Financial Report:
(Suzanne: I'm sorry I don't have this info to share at the meeting today, 12/5/24, I am still needing access to Kathy's data and figuring out what she gave me. I can send it to the group at a later date.)
Question, How do I reimburse? Michael sends a SSAE some leave in mailbox and other bring to mtg.
There was intense discussion on the insurance issue. Barbara will share the history and current information later.
Total fund balance 1/1/2024 $14,423.52
Total income YTD 2024 is $_____
Total expenses YTD 2024 are $_____
Ending fund balance on 12/5/2024 is $_____
Ending bank balance on 12/5/2024 is $ 17,600.17_______
Approval motion made by _________; seconded by _______________
Approval vote – Ayes ______ Nays _____ Report approved ________Not approved ______
*Changes to how things are being done? What's working/not working?
Other questions from your new Treasurer:
· Who can approve expenses?
· Where would I find forms for submitting expenses and other forms? They may need to be updated with my name.
· Do new members joining in Nov/Dec pay their $10 now and again in January?
· I have a check for Doug Canepa for his water-color class, what's the process to get it to him?
· I had a check for $10 made out to VACA, deposited already. In the memo area it said it was for a non-resident for Doug's WC class. How do I find out if he's aware of this?
Vice President, Membership: Claudia Welch – Membership update 19 dropped (moved or passed away) and 7 new new members
Membership is: 279 on Dec. 5, 2024.
2a. Master Calendar - still not returned. Rec. we start reserving rooms as needed for Jan.-Feb. Diane Michael and Sandy Sub committee to Villages management team.
2b. Update from Diane, Michael re: class sign ups discussion with Recreation. Tabled
2c. Make and Take 11/5 - any updates or suggestions for the next time? Full class hosting 2nd class in 2025
3a. Insurance for outside instructors - ideas? Able to have as a rider on our main insurance? Discussion with Recreation? What do other clubs do?
Barbara: The most important point from my conversation with Dominic Broadhead yesterday (November 26) is one that we had not considered before.
Dominic (LeAnn & Clay) view non-resident teachers as vendors with their own businesses. An example is Ciel Duke's daughter Terri Brown who has taught yoga, pilates and whole body fitness at the Villages. She is a professional trainer-teacher who does have her own general liability insurance because she teaches here, at gyms and at special events for companies. They are viewing all outside teachers like this. Senior Academy, Villages Voices, all exercise classes have outside teachers and must provide their own liability insurance.
I pointed out to him that our art teachers do not offer classes as a business. Most of them are retired public school teachers, art students or artists who have a technique they can share with others. They teach one or two classes per year for fun or to earn a little extra income. They do not have "teaching art classes" as a business nor do they make a living at it, so they don't have general liability insurance.
I think this fundamental viewpoint is the basic point we need to make as an Advisory Board and whoever you appoint to discuss this with management. In the meanwhile, Nicole and Zoe are looking to buy general liability insurance so they can teach classes at The Villages, so I have not cancelled their classes as of yet.
3b. Bank account - Debit card?
3c. Class payments billed through Zelle/Venmo or billed to their house?
4a. Art Films: Marion Rose
Next date: Jan. 14, AMEDEO MODIGLIANI; Feb. 11, Andy Warhol, Part II
4b. Ceramics: Diane Finley - Beginning Ceramics Class in January - hosted by Kathy Tanaka & Deborah Strauss. I'd like to take the Ceramics room monitors out to lunch as a thank you. Can I get a budget of $250? Approved.
4c. Art Classes Coordinator: Barbara Gottesman, All classes register with Barbara:
Open Studios:
Monday and Friday mornings: 10 am – 12 noon with Taf Tafarrodi.
Monday afternoon: 2 – 5 pm with Michael Sunzeri
Tuesday afternoon: 2 – 5 pm with Nahareen Rahim
Wednesday and Friday afternoons : 2- 5 pm with Swati Mohari
Thursday afternoon: 2 – 5 pm with Stephanie Torres
New Classes Scheduled: Register at
Upcoming classes and events in the Art Room:
December 6: “Holiday Cookie Exchange Party” with Stephanie Torres. Friday, 5 -7 pm in the Art Room. 5 registered already for our Christmas party.
December 12: “Holiday Paint Night” with Nicole Alexander. 5 pm – 7 pm. $45. All materials furnished. Deadline for registration: December 5. Not cancelled yet – Nicole is looking to buy general liability insurance to meet the Villages new requirement for one-shot classes.
January 7 – 28: “Ink and Alcohol Based Markers for Drawing” with Zoe Caron. Tuesdays, 10 am – 12 noon. $40. All materials included. Deadline for registration: December 31. Not cancelled yet – Zoe is looking to buy general liability insurance to meet the Villages requirement for non-resident teachers.
January 8 – 29: “Watercolor Plus Multi Media” with Doug Canepa. Wednesdays, 10 am – 12 noon. $70. Bring your own watercolor materials.
Deadline to register: January 2.
January 9 – 30: “Traditional Oil Painting” with Swati Mohari. Thursdays, 10 am – 12 noon. $90 with everything furnished. $70 for bring your own materials.
Deadline to register: January 2.
February 4: Free Make 'n Take Diamond Art with Michael Sunzeri. Tuesday in the Art Room, 6 – 8 pm. Free, but must register at to reserve one of 18 places. 12 registered already.
4d. Historian: Parthenia Hicks.
4e. Exhibits Coordinator: Michael Sunzeri. Next solar exhibit is: Mike Price on January 14.
Consider Tiny Paintings exhibit re Holly Salvas in San Francisco
4f. Programs: Michael Sunzeri
4g. New Members Greeter: Colleen Mirassou
4h. Events: Holiday Faire, Nov. 2: Diane Finley: Final Report submitted. Feedback on the Faire: There was talk about adding one hour to the Faire, but after a polling of the artists, it was 50/50. Otherwise everything was a huge success.
5. Issues/Problems/Ideas to Discuss: Please respond with any input here.
6. Next General Meeting and Demo is: Monday Feb. 3, 2025, 1:45-3:00 pm in Cribari Conference Room.
7. Next Advisory Board Meeting: Jan. 30 at 4 pm in the Art Room.
Meeting of December 5, 2024 Adjourned at 5:00 by President Mandy Book.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Torres