AT THE MAY MEETING OF ARTS and CRAFTS

  A brand new technique by artist Susan Harding will get your creative juices flowing.  On May 6th at 1:45 Arts and Crafts will host a free demonstration by Susan Harding for all Villagers in the Cribari Conference room.  After a short business meeting by President Mandy Book, Programs Chair Michael Sunzeri will introduce Susan Harding.

Her artwork can be described as moody or even

“cool “  to the viewer's eye.  Susan will show how she transforms her photos into a gracious look by dissecting her own images then replaces that vacant area with charcoal.  Susan's subject matter can be portrait or human interest.  A little background follows about her journey part of

which, includes a recent milestone showing of her work at San Jose State.

As a predominantly lens-based artist, Susan's love affair with photography began with a fascination for documenting life. Working to communicate the essence of life experience, she creates lifestyle portraits that highlight the personality of her subjects. Portraits of old rusted trucks that have been “put out to pasture” are treated with the same care as her human subjects. The theme of uncovering beauty in the mundane while celebrating life's essence with authenticity is the common thread woven into all of her work.

Valuing transdisciplinary art and the various possibilities and outcomes that intersection inspires, Susan experiments with different mediums. She is currently combining her passion for the raw, expressive nature of charcoal with the cultivated structure of printed photographs. She enhances the narrative of her images by tearing or cutting photographs and creating collages that interlace fragments of the print with meticulously rendered photorealistic charcoal drawings.

Most of Susan's work is shown in black and white, inviting a certain intrigue to look deeper, but a bit of her work crosses over to color adding a flair.  Take the time to join us May 6th and enjoy Susan's delightful demo and presentation.

Bring your friends and neighbors and enjoy a large screen live visual by Ed Knott.
