Traditional Oil Painting Class with Swati Mohari
January 9 - 30: Thursday mornings, 10 am - 12 noon, $90. All materials furnished. Price is $70, if you bring your own materials.
Register at barb.gottesman@gmail.com before January 2.
Swati is a new Villager and a new member in Arts & Crafts. She is a artist and an art teacher. She has 15 years of teaching experience and has earned the M. A. in Art. She has taught all ages: elementary school, high school, adults and senior citizens.
This Traditional Oil Painting Class is her third offering for Villagers, but she also has expertise in drawing and watercolor. She likes to connect with people of all ages to inspire them to achiever and use art as an avenue of their expression. She strongly belives in the role of art in enriching human lives, and its health benefits not only for mental health but also for healing and over-all well being.
If you have taken Swati's Drawing Class, you are well - prepared to venture into oilds
Sign up by January 2 and enjoy painting as the old masters did!